Between Pages of the Dictionary


Lift away lurk and let lowbrow breathe. . .
Language has lingered into slow scents: a library’s
mottle-storming dust, cupcake breath,
inked leather. A luna moth left too long.

Nights so interminable can last years.
Cradled between wheedle and wheel,
watermark and watchtower wait in the dark,
Quietly bedded close, wetnurse went ahead:

she kisses welterweight without ceasing. Ever
breaching, whale meets westerly skin to skin,
and wetly, wetly (damp, dank, moist
in this desiccant dwelling) loves well-worn.

Worn well or by much use, o hackneyed thumb,
seek me, thin as water’s moment
and still undefined. A shift has begotten
a transient beam. Quick, unload the seam.


Note:  When a book is closed, each word spends a great deal of time in private intercourse with the word on a facing page. I cracked Websters Collegiate 10th Edition just enough almost to catch them in the act.

Christina Hutchins                                   51ilsmuUKaL._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_ (1) square
from Tender the Maker

First appeared in Alehouse Review